Investment policy
The fund invests in American Small Caps companies listed in the Russell 2000 Total Return Index. The investment approach is based on a discretionary strategy called the LOW POPULARITY FACTOR, developed by the management company. This strategy rests on the idea that companies perceived as "Less Popular" among investors tend to offer higher potential returns compared to "More Popular" companies. The selection of companies is based on the current market conditions, regardless of their composition and weight within the index.
The fund will allocate a minimum of 75% and up to 100% of its assets to equities (Equity), specifically in American Small Caps companies. These companies have low market capitalization and are part of the Russell 2000 Total Return Index. The fund seeks diversity and doesn't focus on specific sectors.
Regarding fixed income (Fixed Income), exposure will be limited to a maximum of 25%. These fixed income assets will primarily come from issuers in North America and OECD countries. These assets are required to have at least an investment-grade credit rating (-BBB) and an average portfolio duration of less than 1 year.
The fund's investments in derivative financial instruments are restricted to Futures linked to the Russell 2000 index and the S&P Small Caps 600 index. Additionally, the fund can invest in stock options as well.
Global Equity
Risk Profile
Managing Company
GVC Gaesco Gestión, SGIIC, SA
Cecabank S.A
Launch Date
Net Asset Value
15,6682 (27/03/2025)
Benchmark Index
Media simple de DJ Europe STOXX Telecommunications, DJ Europe STOXX Pharmaceutical y DJ Europe STOXX Technology
Min. Investment

*Total return for calendar year (from January 1st to December 31st).

Legal notice: A complete report of each Investment Fund is available on the website with information concerning, among others, historical returns obtained prior to a substantial change in the investment policy of the IIC, series of annualized historical returns, detail of the risks associated with the investment in IIC, etc. Investment funds involve certain risks (market, credit, liquidity, currency, interest rate, etc.), detailed all of them in the Prospectus and in the Key Investor Information (KII) document. The nature and scope of the risks will depend on the type and particular features of the fund, the currency, and the assets in which the equity is invested. Consequently, the choice among different types of funds should be made considering the return expectations and investment time horizon as well as the willingness and ability to take risks of the investor.

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