Investment policy
The SICAV can invest between 0% and 100% of its assets in financial collective investment undertakings well known as the Spanish IICs, whether suitable or harmonized, belonging to the same Management Company group or not. The Company can invest, either directly or indirectly through Spanish IICs, in assets such as Equities, Fixed Income, or other assets allowed by current regulations, without predetermined allocation percentages for each asset class, potentially having the entire exposure in any of them. In addition to securities, short-term deposits with a maturity of less than one year in Credit Institutions from the EU or OECD member states subject to prudential supervision, and non-listed money market instruments that are liquid, are also included within the Fixed Income category. Risk profile of the Company and the investor: 7, on a scale from 1 to 7.
Risk Profile
Managing Company
Net Asset Value
2,3169 (27/03/2025)
Min. Investment

*Total return for calendar year (from January 1st to December 31st).

Legal notice: A complete report of each SICAV is available on the website with information concerning, among others, historical returns obtained prior to a substantial change in the investment policy of the IIC, series of annualized historical returns, detail of the risks associated with the investment in IIC, etc. SICAVs involve certain risks (market, credit, liquidity, currency, interest rate, etc.), detailed all of them in the Prospectus and in the Key Investor Information (KII) document. The nature and scope of the risks will depend on the type and particular features of the fund, the currency, and the assets in which the equity is invested. Consequently, the choice among different types of funds should be made considering the return expectations and investment time horizon as well as the willingness and ability to take risks of the investor.

The information contained on the website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer of products and services, nor a recommendation or offer to buy or sell securities or any other investment product, nor a contractual component. Nor does it imply legal, fiscal, or other advice and its content should not serve the user to make decisions or make investments. SICAVs can be high-risk products, not suitable for all clients. Therefore, they do not intend to persuade the user to inappropriate operations by making services or access available to operations and markets that do not match to the user’s risk profile. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Taxation of yields obtained by unitholders shall depend on the tax legislation applicable to their personal situation and may vary in the future.